Friday, January 15, 2010

Christy's Banana Pancakes

Well I just had to try the banana pancakes. They were yummy! But I should caution here, don't make them in the bullet! The recipe is too large and as I was opening the bullet after mixing (this is before I got the bananas in) the mix just squirted out onto the counter up to the window. I have very fast acting baking powder (Rumford) I was able to recover most of what had pooled around the container though, and added the bananas. I should have made them in the big blender. The recipe made about nine 6 inch pancakes. They were so yummy I didn't stop till I had eaten 4 pancakes. Two pancakes with a bit of butter on top and two with peanut butter. Actually they were good by themselves. The lesson here is to make them only when you know there will be someone to help you eat them, because it is hard to stop at one or two! I wondered about cutting the recipe in half and just using one egg. I might try that next time. Thanks for sharing Christy!

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